The main menu of the BestCrypt Volume Encryption program consists of the following submenus:

  • Volume - This submenu contains commands to manage encryption of volumes. Since every command from the submenu runs for a concrete volume, the user should select a volume in Volume or Disk pane and then run the desired command.
    • Mount volume
    • Dismount volume
    • Encrypt group of volumes
    • Encrypt volume
    • Decrypt volume
    • Mount at Logon - This option is available for encrypted volumes. When the user checks the option, the program automatically prompts for a password entry and then mounts the volume when the user logs on. Note that the option is always set for boot/system volume because the program requires the entry of a password for the volume at boot time.
    • Mount at Boot time - This option is available for encrypted volumes. When the user checks the option, the program mounts the volume when the computer starts booting the operating system.
      • Using encrypted system volume - this command is available for non-system volumes if system volume is encrypted as well. When the user enables this option, he/she will be asked for the passwords for both volumes.
      • Using encrypted system SED - this command is available for non-system volumes if system SED drive is encrypted. When the user enables this option, he/she will be asked for the passwords for the volume and for the SED.

There is a difference between Mount at Logon and Mount at Boot time options:
- Mount at Logon is a per-user setting. Only the user who sets the option is automatically prompted to mount the volume after the user logs on.
- Mount at Boot time option works for all users, because it mounts the volume before any user logs on.

    • Encryption key - This menu includes the following commands:
      • Move key to external storage
      • Restore key from external storage
      • Backup keys to other external storage
      • Delete all keys from external storage
    • Exit - Run the command to quit the application
  • Disk - This sub-menu contains commands to manage hardware whole disk encryption of SED.
    Since every command from the sub-menu runs for a specific disk, the user should select a disk in Disk pane and then run the desired command.
    • Mount disk
    • Dismount disk
    • Encrypt disk
    • Decrypt disk

See Managing hardware encryption article to know more about commands for Self-encrypting drives.

    • Advanced
      • Revert and erase - Erase data and revert disk to factory defaults using PSID (Physical Security Identifier) or SID (Security Identifier)
      • Run hardware compatibility test
    • Mount at Boot time - This option is available for encrypted disks. When the user checks the option, the program mounts the disk when the computer starts booting the operating system.
      • Using encrypted system volume - this command is available for non-system SED if system volume is encrypted. When the user enables this option, he/she will be asked for the passwords for the SED and for the system volume.
      • Using encrypted system SED - this command is available for non-system SED if system SED is encrypted as well. When the user enables this option, he/she will be asked for the passwords for both SEDs.
    • SED properties - run the command to view information of all SEDs detected in the system.
    • View/Save/Restore sectors on physical disk.
  • Password - Commands from the menu allow changing and adding passwords to encrypted disk volumes:
    • Change master password
    • Add password
    • Change additional password
    • Remove additional password
    • Remove all additional passwords

Read the Manage Volume Passwords article for more detail about running these commands. In addition, the menu contains the following commands:

The menu also contains commands to view sectors on logical volumes as well as sectors on physical disks. It is possible to save and restore contents of physical disk sectors to/from files:

  • Options
  • View - This submenu contains commands to refresh Volume and Disk panes and to turn bars in the main window on or off.
    • Refresh F5 - Run this command to refresh Volume and Disk panes in the main window of the program
    • Toolbar - Check the menu subitem to make the Toolbar appear in the main window
    • Status bar - Check the menu subitem to make the Status Bar appear in the main window
    • System tray icon - Run this command to make the application icon appear in the bottom- right corner of desktop. Clicking the icon shows a menu with a list of disk volumes and commands.
  • Application - This sub-menu contains commands to display help documentation and information about the program.
    • Switch to simple mode - use this command to switch between Simple and Advanced mode.
    • Software language- This sub-menu contains list of user interface languages available for the software. If the user selects one of the languages, the program refreshes its window and starts using the selected language.
    • Automatic update - Run this command to configure a schedule for when automatic update of the software should happen.
    • Benchmark - Run this command to define performance of encryption algorithms in different encryption modes on your computer hardware.
    • Traveller mode files - Run this command to create a set of files to run the application on another computer without installation.
    • Traveller mode disk - Run this command to create encrypted USB disk with the traveller mode files embedded. That is, it will be possible to mount/decrypt the USB on another computer without BCVE installed.
    • Registration - Run this command to register your copy of the software.
  • Help - This sub-menu contains commands to display help documentation or information about the program.
    • Contents - Run this command to display help documentation for the program.
    • About BestCrypt Volume Encryption - Run this command to display program version information.
    • Send system information

- If you run this command, the program will save system information about your computer together with dump files into a single compressed archive. The command is helpful when you are going to contact technical support and you want to provide the vendor of the software with detailed information about your system.

See also:

Main window

Mounting and Dismounting Volumes

Encrypting and Decrypting Volumes

Change Volume Passphrase

Moving Encryption Keys to Remote Storage

Rescue Bootable CD and USB disks

Using Rescue File

Managing Keys on Hardware Token

View Logical Sectors on Volume

View Physical Sectors on Disk

Editing Boot-time Prompt for Password

Managing hardware encryption