Running BestCrypt Volume Encryption with Command-Line Parameters

The user can run BestCrypt Volume Encryption from a command-line prompt with parameters to mount or dismount encrypted volumes as well as initiate several other commands.

The folder where BestCrypt Volume Encryption files are installed (for example, C:\Program Files\Jetico\BestCrypt Volume Encryption) contains the program bcfmgr.exe. The user can run bcfmgr.exe from command-line prompt with the following parameters:

-? Show the help information. For example,
bcfmgr.exe -?
-ShowPwd Display password characters when the users enters password. For example:
bcfmgr.exe -ShowPwd
-ShowVolName <drive_letter> Show Windows volume name for the drive letter and place it to clipboard. For example:
bcfmgr.exe -ShowVolName C:
Volume name like \??\Volume{07e2cd11-4ae1-11dc-9619-005056c00008} will be returned.
-Mount <drive_letter> Mount volume by its drive letter. For example:
bcfmgr.exe -Mount D:
-Mount <drive_letter> -P<password> Mount volume by its drive letter and password. For example:
bcfmgr.exe -Mount D: -Pmy_password_string
-Mount <volume_name> Mount volume by its volume name. The command is useful if the volume has no drive letter assigned in dismounted state. It happens when the user set option Hide drive letters for not mounted volumes in Options menu. For example:
bcfmgr.exe -Mount \??\Volume{07e2cd11-4ae1-11dc-9619-005056c00008}
-Mount <volume_name> -P<password> Mount volume by its volume name and password. For example:
bcfmgr.exe -Mount \??\Volume{07e2cd11-4ae1-11dc-9619-005056c00008} -Pmy_password_string
-Dismount <drive_letter> Dismount volume by its drive letter. For example:
bcfmgr.exe -Dismount D:
-Dismount <volume_name> Dismount volume by its volume name. For example:
bcfmgr.exe -Dismount \??\Volume{07e2cd11-4ae1-11dc-9619-005056c00008}
-Dismount <volume_name or drive_letter> ForceDismount Forced volume dismounting. The volume will be dismounted even if there are opened files on it. For example:
bcfmgr.exe -Dismount D: ForceDismount
-SetDOS <drive_letter> set the "Dismount On Suspend" option for a specified volume
-ResetDOS <drive_letter> reset the "Dismount On Suspend" option for a volume specified
-GetDOS view list of drives that have the option set
-SetBootTheme <path_to_the_theme_file> set a scheme for boot password prompt
For example:
bcfmgr.exe -SetBootTheme C:\TMP\Ali Baba Password Scheme.vth
-SetEfiResolution <resolution> Change UEFI boot screen resolution.
Horizontal screen resolutions: 800, 1024, 1366, 1600, 1920, 2560, 4000
For example:
bcfmgr.exe -SetEfiResolution 1024
Set default value:
bcfmgr.exe -SetEfiResolution 0
BCVE can set only resolutions that are supported by the machine's UEFI. If not supported value is assigned, UEFI resolution will be set to the nearest supported value.

See also: