Quick Start

When you run BestCrypt Control Panel, the following window appears:

BestCrypt Control Panel

BestCrypt Control Panel consists of two panels: left panel shows your local and network drives, floppy disks; right panel is responsible for listing the containers.

Let's create the container - an encrypted file to store your confidential information. Choose the drive in the left panel you want to create container at.

NOTE: You can not create containers on read-only devices (e.g. CD-ROM drives, network drives etc.)

NOTE: In Windows 8 it is not recommended to use containter encryption in Storage Space Volumes, as the system may accidentally bring the volume offline in low disk space conditions and your data will be damaged. Please, use BestCrypt Volume Encryption instead.

Right click on the drive and choose New.You may also use the New command from Container menu or click  Image text . The following window appears:

New Container dialog

In the File Path field type the full name of the file that will store your container, for example, C:\Containers\LETTERS.

In the Size field, type the size of container. Typing "100 MB" means total size of all files in the container can not exceed 100 MB.

In the Description field you can write a reminder about container contents. Do not be specific as anyone can read this field.

When Show advanced settings is clicked, you can specify options of 3 main categories: Security, Container Type and Mount Options.

Enter Password dialog

After you have entered the password twice, BestCrypt will verify that there were no mistakes during the typing. As you clicked OK, BestCrypt will create the file "Letters.jbc", and the line with the container description, file name, size, and algorithm will appear in the Containers List panel of the BestCrypt main window.

Upon creation, container is instantly mounted and you can notice the icon of mounted container: Mounted Container in Container List panel, as well as the Mounted Containers systray icon icon in tray. You can now open My Computer and find the newly mounted drive ready for use: just copy your files to this drive.

BestCrypt Control Panel

Now you may quit the program. Your secret virtual drive E: now is accessible just like a normal disk drive. Everything you write to the disk will be automatically encrypted and then decrypted when you read the data from the disk.

To dismount the virtual drive, run BestCrypt Control Panel and choose the Dismount command from the pop-up menu, or click  Dismount on the toolbar or  Dismount All to close all virtual drives. You can also use BestCrypt icon in the system tray area to mount/dismount drives or to open BestCrypt Control Panel.

You may choose any drive letter for the BestCrypt virtual drive when you decide to mount the container again. Type the password for the container in the Password field. Then click OK and the encrypted data on the container will be available for access through the virtual drive E:. After you have created the container and mounted it on the virtual drive E:, the BestCrypt Control Panel will look as in the picture:

Enter Password dialog

See also: