Upgrade to Windows 10 Creators Update (RS2) on a System Encrypted with BestCrypt Volume Encryption

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To upgrade to Windows 10 Creator Update* (or later updates) on systems encrypted with BestCrypt Volume Encryption without decrypting, follow these steps:

Upgrading from Windows 10 Anniversary Update RS1 (version 1607)

Method 1: Upgrading via Windows Automatic Update

No more action is required. BestCrypt Volume Encryption modifies setupconfig.ini for the encryption drivers to be loaded during the upgrade process.

Method 2: Upgrading via Windows 10 media ISO/USB

  • Download and install BestCrypt Volume Encryption v.3.75.00 or newer https://www.jetico.com/bcve_setup.exe
  • Mount the ISO or create an installation USB
  • Run Command Prompt as Administrator, navigate to the mounted ISO / USB and type**:
    For x64 system:
    Setup.exe /ReflectDrivers "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jetico\BestCrypt Volume Encryption\x64_win10"
    For x86 system:
    Setup.exe /ReflectDrivers "C:\Program Files\Jetico\BestCrypt Volume Encryption\x32_win10"
  • Follow the steps of the Windows Setup Wizard to complete the update process.

**NOTE: If you have BestCrypt Volume Encryption installed as a part of BestCrypt Suite, the commands should be:
Setup.exe /ReflectDrivers C:\Program Files (x86)\Jetico\BestCrypt\BC_VE\x64_win10
Setup.exe /ReflectDrivers C:\Program Files\Jetico\BestCrypt\BC_VE\x32_win10

Upgrading from older versions of Windows: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 TH1/TH2

  • Download and install BestCrypt Volume Encryption v.3.75.00 or newer https://www.jetico.com/bcve_setup.exe
  • Download the Microsoft Media Creation tool following the link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=691209
  • Create and mount the ISO or create an installation USB
  • Run Command Prompt as Administrator, navigate to the mounted ISO / USB and type***:
    For x64 system:
    Setup.exe /ReflectDrivers "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jetico\BestCrypt Volume Encryption\x64_win10"
    For x86 system:
    Setup.exe /ReflectDrivers "C:\Program Files\Jetico\BestCrypt Volume Encryption\x32_win10"
  • Follow the steps of the Windows Setup Wizard to complete the update process.

***NOTE: If you have BestCrypt Volume Encryption installed as a part of BestCrypt Suite, the commands should be:
Setup.exe /ReflectDrivers C:\Program Files (x86)\Jetico\BestCrypt\BC_VE\x64_win10
Setup.exe /ReflectDrivers C:\Program Files\Jetico\BestCrypt\BC_VE\x32_win10
*Starting with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update RS1 release, Microsoft allows third-party software vendors to include custom drivers into the installation environment using the /ReflectDrivers command line option, which made upgrading encrypted systems possible.
More information about the /ReflectDrivers command line option can be found here.